Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dangling by a string

Dangling by a string, I stay
Not knowing what fate will come my way.
My vulnerable child may show,
Everything the strong woman may know,
But pushes deeper and deeper down,
Need to make the young girl drown.

There are constantly two of me,
But only one at a time I’ll let you see.
And then again I may show just one,
Depends on who has won.

Some days it is all I can do,
To hang on to whom I am in you.
Who am I to be today?
A mother, a lover, a slave

There is no rest for who I am,
May close my eyes, but peace is damned.
Shelter and refuge are what I seek,
But it always crumbles at my feet.

Here I stay holding this string,


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